Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry in Glendale with North Canyon Dentistry
In the past decade, there has been a dramatic interest in cosmetic dentistry. We all realize that having a healthy, bright, beautiful smile enhances our appearance and allows us to smile with confidence. Thanks to the advances in modern cosmetic dentistry, we are able to improve our teeth and smiles with quick, painless, and surprisingly affordable treatments.
Cosmetic dental treatments can:
- Change the size, shape, and alignment of certain teeth.
- Fill in unattractive spaces between teeth.
- Improve or correct bites.
- Lighten or brighten the color of teeth.
- Repair decayed, broken, cracked, or chipped teeth.
- Replace missing teeth.
- Replace old, unattractive dental treatments.
Remember, your smile speaks before you even say a word!
Contact our Glendale cosmetic dentist to learn more about our cosmetic dentistry procedures, and schedule your appointment at North Canyon Dentistry today!
Are you in Glendale, AZ looking for dental implants? Perfect, we’ve got you covered.
Dental implants offer a natural looking replacement for adult teeth. In addition, implants restore functionality to the jaw, making speaking, eating, and chewing easier. Most implants are comprised of a screw that is embedded into the bone, and a post, to which the prosthesis is attached.
Megagen AnyRidge implants are unique because the micro surface of the cone-shaped screw contains an innovative bone-bonding component. This means that implants can be placed in areas with low bone density, sparing the patient the mess and misery of wearing poorly fitting dentures. Additionally, the bone-bonding component means quicker recovery time after the implant is placed.
Why should I choose Megagen AnyRidge dental implants?
There is a wide variety of dental implants in the marketplace, but AnyRidge has an almost unparalleled success rate. Almost 98% of AnyRidge implants are fitted successfully and last for a lifetime. AnyRidge implants contain a unique feature, which is embedded in the surface of the screw. Implant screws made by other companies are sprayed with calcium phosphate to enhance the bone integration process. However, AnyRidge screws actually contain calcium phosphate, which means that delamination is less likely to occur.
Additionally, the cone-shaped AnyRidge screw adds precision to the placement of implants and ensures that the final prosthesis is comfortable and can withstand pressure.
Here are some of the other benefits associated with AnyRidge implants:
- Better oral health.
- Higher success rate.
- Improved self-esteem.
- Long-lasting results.
- Multiple AnyRidge implants can be placed during a visit.
- Natural-looking implants.
- No adhesives or mess.
- Prevention of bone loss and gum recession.
- Sturdy, functional prosthetic teeth.
How are AnyRidge dental implants placed?
The procedure for placing AnyRidge dental implants is similar to many other implant procedures. It is usually performed in two short visits, the first visit being typically an hour in length and the second taking around thirty minutes.
After the dentist has analyzed the X-rays and diagnostic results, the implant root can be inserted. This procedure will be performed under local anesthetic, unless another type of sedation is preferred.
Here is a step-by-step process for the first stage of a AnyRidge dental implant placement:
- An incision will be made in the gum tissue to expose the jawbone.
- A tiny hole will be drilled into the jawbone to insert the implant into.
- The implant will be screwed or tapped into the designated position.
- A small temporary stop-cap is placed to cover the implant, and the surgical site is sutured closed.
- After approximately 10 days, the sutures will be removed and the dentist will assess the healing process.
Generally, AnyRidge dental implants enhance the healing process, which means that the second treatment phase can be completed around 10-12 weeks after the first.
Here is a brief overview of can be expected at the second appointment:
A local anesthetic will be administered, and a tiny incision will be made to expose the prosthetic root. The temporary stop-cap will be removed and a small post or abutment will be attached to the implant.
When the healing process is complete, the new dental prosthesis (usually a crown) will be created from bite impressions. A tiny screw will be used to secure the prosthesis onto the abutment. Any necessary adjustments will be made to ensure the prosthesis is comfortable, and the AnyRidge dental implant will be secure for a lifetime.
If you have any questions about AnyRidge dental implants, please ask your dentist.
A pearly white smile can be an excellent confidence booster. Yellowing or stained teeth are unpleasant to look at and can negatively affect your overall look. Zoom!® Whitening System is a quick, safe and gentle way to restore the natural color of the teeth with minimal discomfort. Zoom!® uses a combination of gel and light to whiten teeth by up to 8 shades in just 45 minutes.
Zoom!® has several advantages over comparable whitening systems. First, the bleaching gel does not need to be activated by heat. Instead, Zoom!® utilizes a unique lamp that propels blue light toward the teeth and expedites whitening. All of the key “smile” teeth will be bleached in a uniform way, without creating hypersensitive lips, gums or soft tissue. Zoom!® gel is much more viscous which prevents tooth dehydration, and creates longer lasting results.
How can Zoom!® help me?
The best candidates for the Zoom!® whitening procedure have strong, healthy teeth and gums. If gum disease is an issue, this needs to be treated prior to the gel application. Whitening treatment may not be a good option for patients with highly sensitive teeth, thinning teeth or teeth that exhibit deep inorganic staining.
Zoom!® can effectively alleviate the following problems:
- Staining caused by tobacco use.
- Staining caused by strong foods and drinks.
- Yellowing teeth caused by aging.
- Greying teeth (usually hereditary).
- Organic staining.
What preparation is necessary before the Zoom!® treatment?
Zoom!® elicits the best results on clean, healthy teeth. Therefore, a thorough cleaning is recommended prior to the treatment, to rid the teeth of plaque, tartar and rotting food particles. The dentist will always thoroughly examine the teeth while performing the cleaning to check for any fractures, inflammation or decay. Photographs might also be taken of the teeth prior to the bleaching procedure. This makes “before and after” comparisons more evident.
Though the whitening procedure a little over an hour in the office, Zoom!®, dental trays and a less concentrated version of the gel may be given for home use. Zoom!® is long lasting and effective, but stains can quickly reappear on the teeth – particularly if tobacco is being used.
What does Zoom!® treatment involve?
None of the steps in the Zoom!® system should cause discomfort. The Zoom!® gel only contains a 15% or 25% concentration of hydrogen peroxide, which means the teeth and gums should not feel uncomfortable. Many of the alternative whitening treatments contain a 35% or 50% concentration of hydrogen peroxide, which dehydrates teeth and causes them to become hypersensitive. Zoom!® gel is balanced with water and glycerin which work together to hydrate the teeth. The bleaching gel is applied to the teeth for three twenty-minute intervals as follows:
- A retractor is placed inside the mouth to fully expose the teeth.
- A hardening resin is applied to the gums to prevent the bleaching gel from irritating them.
- The gel and blue light are applied to the teeth for twenty minutes.
- The dentist checks whitening progress.
- The gel is removed and then more gel is applied for another twenty minutes.
- The gel is again removed and then more gel is applied for an additional twenty minutes.
- The retractors are removed when the final gel application is complete.
- The mouth is rinsed and the new tooth color is measured immediately.
The teeth may look incredibly white immediately after treatment due to mild dehydration. The actual color of teeth will become apparent when the teeth have had 48 hours to rehydrate.
If you have any questions or concerns about Zoom!® or other whitening treatments, please ask your dentist.
Tired of finding Cerec within the areas of Glendale, Peoria, AZ, Surprise AZ, and Sun City, AZ? Worry not, we have got you covered.
Chairside Economical Restorations of Esthetic Ceramic (CEREC®) has revolutionized dental procedures. Traditionally, if crowns, onlays, inlays, or dental veneers were required to restore damaged teeth, multiple procedures and a great deal of waiting time, in-between would be inevitable. CEREC® creates these ceramic restorations within minutes in the dental office. This means that many treatments can be completed in just a single visit.
CEREC® is comprised of several computer-assisted design (CAD) tools and a milling machine that creates custom ceramic restorative devices. CEREC® can make almost any ceramic restoration to order, meaning the dentist can place it immediately. This is of great benefit to nervous patients, and it can also reduce the cost of treatment.
How can CEREC® benefit me?
CEREC® can benefit almost anyone needing a ceramic restoration device. Exceptions include patients who have a prior history of breaking ceramic devices and those with a deep bite. CEREC® devices are proven to last for over 5 years, but recent research indicates that most CEREC®-created restorations last for more than 10 years.
Here are some other advantages associated with CEREC®:
- No temporary restorations.
- High-quality ceramic products.
- Minimal invasiveness.
- Less injections and discomfort.
- Fewer dental visits.
- Cost effectiveness.
- More natural tooth is saved.
- Long lasting restorations.
- Biocompatible solutions.
What is the CEREC® system comprised of?
The CEREC® System is sometimes called a CAD-CAM system. CAD-CAM means Computer Assisted Design and Computer Assisted Milling. The CEREC® system has three major components:
Acquisition device: This device is home to a high-quality camera and a medical grade computer. The function of this unit is to photograph the prepared tooth. Three-dimensional images are created of the tooth on the screen, which the dentist uses to design the perfect ceramic restoration.
Three-dimensional CAD software: This software allows the dentist to examine the tooth from every angle. It is the closest possible thing to holding the tooth in the hands and rotating it.
Milling device: This unit actually manufactures the custom restoration from the specifications entered into the computer. A ceramic block, which best resembles the existing tooth color is chosen and placed into the unit. Within minutes, the milling device produces the restoration the dentist designed. No horrible-tasting impressions or time-consuming transfers to and from the laboratory are required.
What does a CEREC® restoration procedure involve?
The first step in the procedure is to prepare the tooth. The dentist removes all tooth decay and creates a divergent occlusal axial wall, to make the opening of the tooth wider than the base. Next, an impression is made using a covering of titanium dust. This dust allows the camera to take a highly detailed picture of the tooth. Images are formulated with the CEREC® camera. CEREC® optical imaging utilizes an infrared wavelength.
The image is transposed onto the computer screen. It is here that the dentist is able to view the tooth from every angle and design the final restoration. When the design is complete, it is transmitted to the milling unit. The dentist chooses a block of ceramic that matches the color of the teeth. This ensures that the restoration will be almost invisible.
Within 15 minutes, the full crown, onlay, overlay or veneer is complete. The restoration is made of compressed, rather than laboratory-layered porcelain. This enhances strength and durability.
Before affixing the restoration to the tooth, the dentist will place it dry to ensure it fits perfectly. It is then polished and affixed to the tooth with dental cement. The procedure is now complete, and all without the need for a second visit! The quality of the results is the same as the laboratory-generated restoration, but a great deal of time and money has been saved.
If you have questions or concerns about CEREC®, please ask your dentist.
A composite (tooth colored) filling is used to repair a tooth that is affected by decay, cracks, fractures, etc. The decayed or affected portion of the tooth will be removed and then filled with a composite filling.
There are many types of filling materials available, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. You and your dentist can discuss the best options for restoring your teeth. Composite fillings, along with silver amalgam fillings, are the most widely used today. Because composite fillings are tooth colored, they can be closely matched to the color of existing teeth, and are more aesthetically suited for use in front teeth or the more visible areas of the teeth.
As with most dental restorations, composite fillings are not permanent and may someday have to be replaced. They are very durable, and will last many years, giving you a long lasting, beautiful smile.
Reasons for composite fillings:
- Chipped teeth.
- Closing space between two teeth.
- Cracked or broken teeth.
- Decayed teeth.
- Worn teeth.
How are composite fillings placed?
Composite fillings are usually placed in one appointment. While the tooth is numb, your dentist will remove decay as necessary. The space will then be thoroughly cleaned and carefully prepared before the new filling is placed. If the decay was near the nerve of the tooth, a special medication will be applied for added protection. The composite filling will then be precisely placed, shaped, and polished, restoring your tooth to its original shape and function.
It is normal to experience sensitivity to hot and cold when composite fillings are first placed, however this will subside shortly after your tooth acclimates to the new filling.
You will be given care instructions at the conclusion of your treatment. Good oral hygiene practices, eating habits, and regular dental visits will aid in the life of your new fillings.
Day White® is a specialized take-home whitening treatment which has been designed for use during daytime hours. Day White® offers an excellent alternative for people who would like to have a brighter smile, but do not relish the prospect of wearing strips or whitening trays all night long. In fact, the Day White® treatment will only take one hour per day, and is substantially less expensive than some in-office alternatives.
Day White® is an extremely user-friendly home treatment. The kit includes whitening gel, a patented syringe and special whitening trays. There is nothing complicated, messy or time-consuming about applying Day White® and it can whiten the teeth by as many as fourteen shades in as few as 10-14 days.
How can Day White® help me?
Day White® utilizes proven technology to remove organic stains on the teeth and whiten yellowing dentin and enamel. Day White® has been created with the wearer in mind, and comes in several flavors.
Here are some advantages of the Day White® System:
- Cost effective.
- Custom-fitted trays.
- Lower active ingredient concentration (means reduced sensitivity).
- No radiation.
- Pleasant flavors in a viscous gel.
- Teeth whitened by as many as 14 shades.
- Two half hour treatments twice a day.
- Unchanged structure of teeth.
What are the main considerations before using Day White®?
It should be noted that Day White® should only be applied to healthy teeth. Patients who have tooth decay or gum disease need to have these conditions treated prior to applying the Day White® gel. Day White® may not remove inorganic or deep stains, so it is important to consult with the dentist to ensure that expectations are realistic, considering the current condition of the teeth.
Here are some important points about using Day White®:
- Once the gel is on the teeth, do not smoke, eat or drink.
- Consult the dentist before ordering refills.
- Pregnant and lactating women should not use tooth-whitening products.
How should Day White® be used?
Day White® is a healthy way to whiten teeth. The combination of hydrogen peroxide and Amorphous Calcium Phosphate (ACP) enables any imperfections in the surface of the teeth to be filled while the bleaching is underway.
Day White® is available in two low concentrations (7.5% and 9.5%). Each syringe is filled with enough gel to treat the teeth three times daily, so the results are under the patient’s control.
To use Day White®, simply load the gel into the custom-made trays and apply to the teeth for up to 30 minutes twice daily. When the desired time expires, remove the trays and rinse the mouth. Be sure to thoroughly cleanse the trays after every application.
Whitening will occur gradually over the course of the Day White® treatment, and the end result will be a pearly white smile.
If you have any questions about Day White®, please ask your dentist.
Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth and also provide a fixed solution to having removable partial or complete dentures. Implants provide excellent support and stability for these dental appliances.
Dental implants are artificial roots and teeth (usually titanium) that are surgically placed into the upper or lower jaw bone by a dentist or Periodontist – a specialist of the gums and supporting bone. The teeth attached to implants are very natural looking and often enhance or restore a patient’s smile!
Dental implants are very strong, stable, and durable and will last many years, but on occasion, they will have to be re-tightened or replaced due to normal wear.
Reasons for dental implants:
- Replace one or more missing teeth without affecting adjacent teeth.
- Resolve joint pain or bite problems caused by teeth shifting into missing tooth space.
- Restore a patient’s confident smile.
- Restore chewing, speech, and digestion.
- Restore or enhance facial tissues.
- Support a bridge or denture, making them more secure and comfortable.
What does getting dental implants involve?
The process of getting implants requires a number of visits over several months.
X-rays and impressions (molds) are taken of the jaw and teeth to determine bone, gum tissue, and spacing available for an implant. While the area is numb, the implant will be surgically placed into the bone and allowed to heal and integrate itself onto the bone for up to six months. Depending on the type of implant, a second surgery may be required in order to place the “post” that will hold the artificial tooth in place. With other implants the post and anchor are already attached and placed at the same time.
After several weeks of healing the artificial teeth are made and fitted to the post portion of the anchor. Because several fittings may be required, this step may take one to two months to complete. After a healing period, the artificial teeth are securely attached to the implant, providing excellent stability and comfort to the patient.
You will receive care instructions when your treatment is completed. Good oral hygiene, eating habits, and regular dental visits will aid in the life of your new implant.
Dental veneers, crowns, onlays, inlays and bridges are important restorations which enhance the health and functionality of the natural teeth. A sparkling smile can be an enormous confidence-booster and have a dramatic effect on a person’s appearance. Empress® has been dedicated to creating natural-looking restorations for almost two decades, and is one of the world leaders in dental ceramics.
Empress® veneers, crowns, onlays, overlays and dental bridges are renowned for their strength, durability and exceptional optical properties. Empress® restorations are completely metal-free, and are constructed from inorganic material which is baked and cured at high temperatures.
Why should I choose Empress® restorations?
Empress® is continually refining and enhancing restorations to ensure that they look natural and restore complete functionality to the teeth.
Traditional ceramic restorations were known for being brittle and expensive to repair after sustaining damage. However, Empress® has developed a heat-pressed glass ceramic that is immensely strong and durable. There are several reasons for this, including the high shrinkage of leucite crystals. This shrinkage means that compressive stress is created during the vitreous stage, thus preventing breakage and cracking.
The unique veneer glaze and stain also increases strength by as much as 50%. These elements combined establish a thicker restoration that is fracture resistant. Empress® crowns have a 100% chance of surviving the first three years. This means less dental visits, less expense and a sensational, comfortable smile.
Here are some of the advantages associated with Empress® restorations:
- Biocompatible.
- Do not affect other dentition.
- Ease of application.
- Excellent polishing properties.
- Many levels of translucency available.
- Metal-free.
- Natural-looking.
- Shades match the other teeth.
What restorations can be done using Empress® products?
Empress® has created many natural-looking restorations, including:
Empress® Veneers – These veneers are wafer-thin porcelain and ceramic covers which fit permanently over natural teeth. Empress® veneers are perfect for covering disfigured and stained teeth. They are stain and bacteria-resistant, strong, and can be manufactured to match the natural tooth shade.
Empress® Crowns – These crowns are generally placed after root canal therapy, or after the removal of tooth decay. Empress® crowns are proven to last longer than many types of crowns, and again, can be matched exactly to the natural tooth shade. There is no visible ugly metal edge, just a sensational end result.
Empress® Inlays/Onlays – Inlays and onlays are currently being used to replace the traditional amalgam fillings. Amalgam is unpleasant to view and unhealthy for the body. Empress® ceramic inlays and overlays are strong, healthy and usually invisible to onlookers.
Empress® Bridges – As with all Empress® products, Empress® bridges are a completely natural-looking way to replace missing teeth. Metal bridges are often highly visible and make the teeth look shorter. Empress® bridges are almost impossible to spot, and restore symmetry and sparkle to the smile.
If you have questions about any of the Empress® restorations, please ask your dentist.
LUMINEERS® are an excellent option for people who are unhappy with the cosmetic appearance of their teeth. These ultra-thin porcelain slips fit perfectly over the teeth making them look cosmetically perfect, white and completely beautiful. An off-white or crooked smile can cause serious confidence problems. LUMINEERS® are a fantastic alternative for patients wanting a beautiful smile without surgery, harsh chemicals or painful treatments.
For LUMINEERS® to be applied, the underlying teeth, bone and gums must be healthy. Patients with gum disease or tooth decay must be treated prior to LUMINEERS® placement. Unlike dental veneers, LUMINEERS® can be left in place for over 20 years or removed upon request to expose the intact original teeth. LUMINEERS® can be fitted in just two appointments, and instantly add pizzazz to the smile.
Here are some of the problems that LUMINEERS® can solve:
- Large gaps between the teeth.
- Misaligned teeth.
- Misshapen teeth.
- Stained teeth.
- Uneven gums and teeth.
- Unnatural looking bridges and crowns.
How can LUMINEERS® benefit me?
LUMINEERS® provide a wide range of advantages over similar treatments. The most meaningful advantage to anxious patients is that no painful alterations of the teeth are required prior to the LUMINEERS® application. The covers themselves are so thin and unobtrusive that speech and eating are seldom affected.
Here are some of the other advantages of LUMINEERS®:
- Last over 20 years.
- No harsh drilling of inner tooth mechanisms.
- No injections.
- No pain or discomfort.
- Only two dental visits required.
- Option to place multiple LUMINEERS® at one time.
- Perfect, pearly-white teeth.
- Thickness of a contact lens.
- Totally reversible treatment.
Are LUMINEERS® strong enough?
LUMINEERS® are constructed from Cerinate® porcelain, which is known for its exceptional strength. Even though LUMINEERS® are thinner than dental veneers, they are less likely to break or chip. Additionally, Cerinate® porcelain can be color-modified and balanced. This means that different levels of opaqueness and translucency can be utilized.
How are LUMINEERS® applied to the teeth?
One of the main reasons LUMINEERS® are so easy to fit is that little etching has to be done beforehand. With veneers, many teeth might have to be permanently altered or drilled to ensure the best fit. However, LUMINEERS® offer a beautiful end product without any drilling, anesthesia or extensive etching. This factor alone can reduce the time in the dental chair by almost half, when compared to traditional veneers.
During the initial visit, bite impressions and X-rays are taken to determine the exact way the teeth fit together. The dentist also thoroughly examines the teeth to ensure that no tooth decay and no signs of gum disease are present. Together, the dentist and patient choose the color of the LUMINEERS® and the desired level of transparency. The bite impressions are sent to the laboratory to be custom-crafted.
The LUMINEERS® are bonded to the teeth at the second appointment. If bonding substance has oozed out from beneath the LUMINEERS®, this is carefully removed using a beveled featheredge margin. Once the LUMINEERS® are in place, the dentist polishes them until they are completely smooth. The advantage of this smoothness is that bacteria and staining agents cannot easily adhere to the surface of the LUMINEERS®.
The LUMINEERS® are finally separated. Up until this point, they are still attached where the bite impressions suggest teeth would naturally join. The treatment is finished, leaving a beautiful white smile, and perfect, healthy teeth.
If you have questions or concerns about LUMINEERS®, please ask your dentist.
LUMINEERS® and Cerinate® are registered trademarks of Den-Mat Holdings LLC.
Although there are several types of crowns, porcelain (tooth colored crown) is the most popular because they resemble your natural teeth. They are highly durable and will last many years, but like most dental restorations, they may eventually need to be replaced. Porcelain crowns are made to match the shape, size, and color or your teeth giving you a natural, long-lasting beautiful smile.
Reasons for crowns:
- Broken or fractured teeth.
- Cosmetic enhancement.
- Decayed teeth.
- Fractured fillings.
- Large fillings.
- Tooth has a root canal.
What does getting a crown involve?
A crown procedure usually requires two appointments. Your first appointment will include taking several highly accurate molds (or impressions) that will be used to create your custom crown. A mold will also be used to create a temporary crown that will stay on your tooth for approximately two weeks until your new crown is fabricated by a dental laboratory.
While the tooth is numb, the dentist will prepare the tooth by removing any decay and shaping the surface to properly fit the crown. Once these details are accomplished, your temporary crown will be placed with temporary cement, and your bite will be checked to ensure you are biting properly.
At your second appointment, your temporary crown will be removed, the tooth will be cleaned, and your new crown will be carefully placed to ensure the spacing and bite are accurate.
You will be given care instructions and encouraged to have regular dental visits to check your new crown.
Porcelain Fixed Bridges in Glendale, AZ
A dental bridge is a fixed (non-removable) appliance and is an excellent way to replace missing teeth.
There are several types of bridges. You and your dentist will discuss the best options for your particular case. The “traditional bridge” is the most popular type and is usually made of porcelain fused to metal. Porcelain fixed bridges are most popular because they resemble your natural teeth. This type of bridge consists to two crowns that go over two anchoring teeth (abutment teeth) and are attached to pontics (artificial teeth), filling the gap created by one or more missing teeth.
Dental bridges are highly durable and will last many years, however they may need replacement or need to be re-cemented due to normal wear.
Reasons for a fixed bridge:
- Fill space of missing teeth.
- Maintain facial shape.
- Prevent remaining teeth from drifting out of position.
- Restore chewing and speaking ability.
- Restore your smile.
- Upgrade from a removable partial denture to a permanent dental appliance.
What does getting a fixed bridge involve?
Getting a bridge usually requires two or more visits. While the teeth are numb, the two anchoring teeth are prepared by removing a portion of enamel to allow for a crown. Next, a highly accurate impression (mold) is made which will be sent to a dental laboratory where the bridge will be fabricated. In addition, a temporary bridge will be made and worn for several weeks until your next appointment.
At the second visit, you permanent bridge will be carefully checked, adjusted, and cemented to achieve a proper fit. Occasionally your dentist may only temporarily cement the bridge, allowing your teeth and tissue time to get used to the new bridge. The new bridge will be permanently cemented at a later time.
You will receive care instructions at the conclusion of your treatment. Proper brushing, flossing and regular dental visits will aid in the life of your new permanent bridge.
An inlay restoration is a custom made filling made of composite material, gold, or tooth-colored porcelain. Porcelain inlays are popular because they resemble your natural tooth. A porcelain inlay is made by a professional dental laboratory and is permanently cemented into the tooth by your dentist.
Inlays can be utilized to conservatively repair teeth that have large defective fillings or have been damaged by decay or trauma. Inlays are an ideal alternative to conventional silver and composite fillings. Also, they are more conservative than crowns because less tooth structure is removed in the preparation of inlays.
As with most dental restorations, inlays are not always permanent and may someday require replacement. They are highly durable and will last many years, giving you a beautiful long lasting smile.
Reasons for inlay restorations:
- Broken or fractured teeth.
- Cosmetic enhancement.
- Decayed teeth.
- Fractured fillings.
- Large fillings.
What does getting an inlay involve?
An inlay procedure usually requires two appointments. Your first appointment will include taking several highly accurate impressions (molds) that will be used to create your custom inlay and a temporary restoration.
While the tooth is numb, the dentist will remove any decay and/or old filling materials. The space will then be thoroughly cleaned and carefully prepared, shaping the surface to properly fit an inlay restoration. A temporary filling will be applied to protect the tooth while your inlay is made by a dental laboratory.
At your second appointment your new inlay will be carefully and precisely cemented into place. A few adjustments may be necessary to ensure a proper fit and that your bite is comfortable.
You will receive care instruction at the conclusion of your treatment. Good oral hygiene practices, a proper diet, and regular dental visits will aid in the life of your new inlay.
An onlay restoration is a custom made filling made of composite material, gold, or tooth-colored porcelain. Porcelain onlays are popular because they resemble your natural tooth. An onlay is sometimes also referred to as a partial crown. Porcelain onlays are made by a professional dental laboratory and is permanently cemented onto the tooth by your dentist.
Onlays can be utilized to conservatively repair teeth that have large defective fillings or have been damaged by decay or trauma. Onlays are an ideal alternative to crowns (caps) because less tooth structure is removed in the preparation of onlays. Onlays are essentially identical to inlays with the exception that one or more of the chewing cusps have also been affected and need to be included in the restoration.
As with most dental restorations, onlays are not always permanent and may someday require replacement. They are highly durable and will last many years, giving you a beautiful long lasting smile.
Reasons for onlay restorations:
- Broken or fractured teeth.
- Cosmetic enhancement.
- Decayed teeth.
- Fractured fillings.
- Large fillings.
What does getting an onlay involve?
An onlay procedure usually requires two appointments. Your first appointment will include taking several highly accurate impressions (molds) that will be used to create your custom onlay and a temporary restoration.
While the tooth is numb, the dentist will remove any decay and/or old filling materials. The space will then be thoroughly cleaned and carefully prepared, shaping the surface to properly fit an onlay restoration. A temporary filling will be applied to protect the tooth while your onlay is made by a dental laboratory.
At your second appointment, your new onlay will be carefully and precisely cemented into place. A few adjustments may be necessary to ensure a proper fit and that your bite is comfortable.
You will receive care instruction at the conclusion of your treatment. Good oral hygiene practices, a proper diet, and regular dental visits will aid in the life of your new onlay.
Veneers are very thin pieces of durable, tooth shaped porcelain that are custom made (for shape and color) by a professional dental laboratory. They are bonded onto the front of teeth to create a beautiful and attractive smile.
Veneers can completely reshape your teeth and smile. They can often be alternatives to crowns and the ideal solution in treating many dental conditions.
As with most dental restorations, veneers are not permanent and may someday need replacement. They are very durable and will last many years, giving you a beautiful long lasting smile.
Reasons for porcelain veneers:
- Cosmetically, to create a uniform, white, beautiful smile.
- Crooked teeth.
- Misshapen teeth.
- Severely discolored or stained teeth.
- Teeth that are too small or large.
- Unwanted or uneven spaces.
- Worn or chipped teeth.
What does getting porcelain veneers involve?
Getting veneers usually requires two visits to complete the process, with little or no anesthesia required during the procedure. The teeth are prepared by lightly buffing and shaping the surface to allow for the thickness of the veneer. A mold or impression of the teeth is taken and a shade (color) will then be chosen by you and the dentist.
On the second visit the teeth will be cleansed with special liquids to achieve a durable bond. Bonding cement is then placed between the tooth and veneer and a special light beam is used to harden and set the bond.
You will receive care instructions for veneers. Proper brushing, flossing and regular dental visits will aid in the life of your new veneers.
For a non-invasive treatment that can add shades of brilliance to your smile, North Canyon Dentistry offers professional teeth whitening and cleaning services for kids, seniors, braces, smokers, veneers, crowns, trays, and caps. Whether seeking to regain natural coloration or augment the tone of their dentition, Glendale dentist, Dr. Mack and Dr. Souza offers teeth whitening tailored to help patients reach their aesthetic goals.
Who Benefits from Teeth Whitening?
Professional teeth whitening can serve most patients seeking a more natural sheen to their smile without altering the structure of teeth. There are a number of situations where dental staining can be addressed particularly well by teeth whitening. This includes discoloration due to excessive fluoride exposure or use of medications known to have a cosmetic impact on teeth. Patients whose teeth appear yellowed due to the normal wear of the outer layers can see improvement after whitening. Additionally, teeth whitening may minimize the stains that result from drinking coffee, tea, or wine as well as from smoking.
While effective, teeth whitening for sensitive teeth is not a permanent solution. To keep your teeth bright, Dr. Mack will work with you to provide regular maintenance. It is also important to note that teeth whitening will not change the color of restorations such as fillings or crowns. Dr. Mack may recommend replacing these to give a more consistent, natural appearance to your smile.
What Does Teeth Whitening Involve?
Our goal is to create the look of a naturally white smile. One of the more popular options offered by North Canyon Dentistry are take-home systems, personalized treatments that produce noticeable results. A key to the success of any teeth whitening system is the professional grade whitening agents used. To take full advantage of this powerful, yet non-abrasive solution, patients are provided with custom-fit whitening trays that securely hold the whitening agent against their teeth.
Starting with your first visit, Dr. Mack will take impressions of your teeth in order to manufacture customized whitening trays that enable precise whitening solution application. Once the custom trays have been created, patients will return to our Glendale dental practice for the treatment. After this hour-long treatment, patients go home with a noticeably whiter smile. Whether as a supplement to the in-office service or as the sole recommendation, Dr. Mack will provide you with proper care instructions for safe and effective at-home whitening. We also encourage regular follow-up visits at our Glendale office to monitor progress as well as to assist with any issues that arise during treatment.
The amount of time you will wear your tray at home depends on the degree of discoloration and your unique smile goals. This ranges from twice daily wear for 30 minutes to wearing the trays overnight for a period of a few weeks. Some sensitivity is normal after whitening and should subside gradually afterward. Contact North Canyon Dentistry immediately if the sensation does not diminish over time.
Ready for a Whiter Smile? Contact Us
The path to a brighter smile can begin with a consultation visit. Contact our Glendale, AZ dental office today to schedule your first visit.
Meet Your Award Winning Dentist

Dr. Thomas M. Mack, D.D.S., P.C.
The Proof is in Our Patients

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Wednesday | 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM |
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